Structures and functions of sub cellular components.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

As we know all organisms are composed of cells. So it is very important thing to study about the cell.  A cell has sub cellular units. All sub cellular units have special structure and functions. Let’s explore that structure and functions one by one.

Structures and functions of organelles and sub cellular components.

   Cell wall

                          •    Outer envelope of plant cell. Animal cells do not have cell walls
                          •    Made up of cellulose and pectin. Hemicellulose, lignin suberin may also be
                          •    May have primary and secondary walls. Explain the chemical components of
                             middle lamella, primary cell wall and secondary cell wall.
                          •    Cell wall has pits through which cytoplasm of adjoining cells join through
                          •    Functions of cell wall.
                      •    Plasma membrane
                          •    Outer limit of protoplasm.
                          •    Illustrate the structure of the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane,
                             consisting of a bilayer of lipids, integral proteins and peripheral proteins.
                             Movable lipids give the fluidity whereas the arrangement of protein molecules
                             gives the mosaic structure.
                          •    Other membranes in the cell also have the same structure.
                          •   Dynamic boundary of cell.
                             •   Permits the entry of water, ions and certain organic molecules.
                             •   Regulates the exit of waste materials.
                             •   Maintains an osmotic balance within the cell.
                             •   Receives information through receptors and transmit signals to co-ordinate
                                activities between cells.


                             •   Stores genetic information of the cell.
                             •   Most cells possess one nucleus, some have several nuclei. (e.g., fungi)
                             •   Explain the structure of nucleus, consisting of double membrane envelope,
                               nuclear sap, chromatin, nuclear pores, and nucleolus.
                             •   Explain the functions of nucleus.
                             •   Control cellular activities.
                             •   Synthesizes DNA to produce new nuclei for cell divisions.
                             •   Synthesizes ribosomes and RNA required for  protein synthesis.


                             •   Consists of a large and a small sub unit composed of    r- RNA and protein.
                             •   Synthesizes proteins coded by m-RNA with the help of   t-RNA.
                          •    Endoplasmic reticulum
                             •    Network of internal membranes forming flattened or tubular sacs
                                   separating cytosol from ER lumen. Continuous with the outer membrane
                                    of nuclear envelope
                             •    Two types of ER; Rough ER and Smooth ER

Rough ER

                                  •   Rough ER consists of flattened sacs, and ribosomes bound to surface
                                  •   Proteins synthesized by ribosomes move into lumen of ER.
                                  •   Synthesize membrane phospholipids and membrane glycolipids
                                  •   Transport enzymes and other proteins within cell. Produce
                                    transmission vesicles for transport

Smooth ER

                                  •   Network of tubular sacs without ribosomes
                                  •   Presence of membrane bound enzymes
                                  •   Synthesize  lipids, steroids and carbohydrates
                                  •   Transport within cell. Produce transmission vesicles for transport.
                                  •   Detoxification
                                  •   Stores Ca 2+  ions

Golgi complex

                          •   Stacks of flattened vesicles or Golgi bodies
                          •   Inner and outer surfaces can be identified
                          •   Illustrate the structure of Golgi complex
                          •   Functions of Golgi complex
                          •   Proteins and lipids manufactured in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are transported
                             through channels of ER or vesicles into Golgi complexes
                          •   Lipids and proteins combine with polysaccharides to form glycolipids and
                             glycoproteins repectively within the cisternae of Golgi complex
                          •   When necessary ,vesicles containing glycoproteins or glycolipids are budded off
                           from cisternae and move into other locations of the cell
                          •   Produce lysosomes


                          •   Membrane bounded  vesicles contributing to digestive activity
                          •   Contain hydrolytic enzymes which catalyze breakdown of carbohydrates,
                           proteins, lipids and nucleic acids.
                          •   Digest food particles received by phagocytosis
                          •   Digest worn out organelles
                          •   Transport residue material out of cell by exocytosis
                          •   Autolysis causing cell death

Microbodies (Peroxisome & glyoxysome)

                          •   Membrane bound vesicles with oxidizing enzymes.
                          •   Two common types of microbodies
                           •   Glyoxisomes – present in plant cells
                           •   Peroxysomes – present in plant and animal cells.
                          •   Enzymes in glyoxisome converts fat into carbohydrate
                          •   Enzymes in peroxysome catalyze the break-down of H 2O2
                         •   Function of peroxysome
                           •   Detoxification of peroxides
                           •   Photorespiration in plants


                          •   Organelle bound by two membranes. Inner membrane bearing cristae.
                          •   Illustrate the ultra structure of mitochondria with two membranes, cristae,
                           matrix with ribosomes and DNA.
                          •   Explain the function of mitochondria
                          •   Matrix carries enzymes for  reactions of Krebs cycle. Cristae carry out
                              electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation system.
                          •   Synthesize ATP by oxidizing reduced coenzymes using oxygen.


                          •   Double membrane bound organelle found only in plant cells
                          •   Explain the gross structure of chloroplast using an electron micrograph
                           including outer membrane, inner membrane, thylakoids, grana and stroma with
                           ribosomes DNA and starch granules.
                          •   Thylakoids contain photosynthetic pigments.
                          •   Function of chloroplast - photosynthesis


                          •   Supporting structure of cytoplasm made of microtubules and protein filaments.
                           Dynamic structure, breaking and reforming as needed.
                          •   Explain structure of three types of components.
                           •    Microtubules, Actin filaments, Intermediate filaments
                          •   Functions of cytoskeleton
                           •   Gives strength to cytoplasm
                           •   Support organelle of cell
                           •   Movement of cytoplasm, cytoplasmic streaming, moves organelle and
                              chromosomes when necessa

Cillia and Flagella

                          •   Made of microtubules, with a 9+2 structure. Covered by plasma membrane.
                           Bound to a basal body.
                          •   Illustrate the structure with micrographs.
                          •   Functions of flagella and cilia includes locomotion and transport of material on
                             cell surface.


                          •   A pair of cylindrical structures made of microtubules found in animal cells.
                           Produce aster and spindle in cell divisions.


                          •   A large structure, bound by tonoplast, filled with liquid found in plant cells.
                          •   Stores water and other materials such as sugars, ions and pigments
                          •   Maintains water balance of cell
                          •   Gives turgidity and strength to cell.
                          •   Produce colours in some plants with sap pigments
                          •   Stores soluble substances needed for cellular activities.

Cell junctions

                          •   Structures at which cytoplasm of adjoining cells are joined.
                          •   Plasmodesmata in plant cells.
                          •   Three types in animal cells
                           •   Tight junctions – connect the plasma membranes of adjacent cells tightly
                               e.g., in epithelial cells of gut preventing leakages through intercellular
                           •   Anchor junctions – mechanically attach the cytoskeletons of adjoining
                              cells for  strong binding eg. skin epithelium
                           •   Gap junctions (Communication junctions) – allow signal and material
                              exchange between adjacent cells through direct connections. e.g., heart

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